Assessing The Impact of Transparent AI Systems in Enhancing User Trust and Privacy

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Assessing The Impact of Transparent AI Systems in Enhancing User Trust and Privacy


  • Meghasai Bodimani Department of Computer Science, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA



Transparent AI, Programming, Human Trust, Machine Learning


The study is about the impact of transparent systems to enhance users’ trust and privacy, and this consent is very important in the era of technology. Trust is a big factor when utilizing AI, and it is risky to develop trust as the privacy concern is there in the technology. In that factor, the study has focused on finding the impact of the transparent AI system in developing privacy and trust. Different kinds of literature pieces are also reviewed to gain knowledge about the subject matter. Moreover, a proper methodology is engaged to develop the study which has been followed by the result and discussion to meet the aim and objectives of the research.


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How to Cite

Bodimani, M. “Assessing The Impact of Transparent AI Systems in Enhancing User Trust and Privacy”. Journal of Science & Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, Feb. 2024, pp. 50-67,
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